The Harvest Hurdle

Harvest has arrived!

For our family, it started this week. I know many others across the region have also started or soon will.

Harvest can be an incredibly tough season for all members of the family. Long days, minimal family time, minimal sleep, and weather we can’t control.

Earlier this year, I wrote a blog on self-care in sowing. So much of this will apply again as we approach harvest, and you can check it out here

This season, I thought I would focus on strategies to support the partners of farmers doing the long hours. Potentially this means long days home alone, long days caring for children, running a household by yourself, or weeks of barely seeing your partner. As a farmer’s wife, I know how tough these seasons can be. Here are some of the things I am going to do this harvest season to help take care of myself:

  • Keep it simple. When it comes to meals, routines, chores, etc, I am stripping it right back. There is no gold medal at the end of this. Keeping it simple with key areas like meals and chores will remove additional pressures, that quite frankly, I just will not have time for.

  • Add water. The days can sometimes be long, and you may not have the other half of your parenting duo around much. Turn the sprinkler on and let them run. Put them in the bath and let them play. Feed them in the bath if you have to. I have done this MANY times, and it has been the exact circuit breaker we have all needed.

  • It takes a village. Your village can be whoever you need it to be. This season, I am going to make sure I book in a few coffee dates with my village to help me keep my head above water.

  • Sunshine. A walk in the sunshine and fresh air is a game changer for me. You will often see me walking the dirt roads, or doing a quick lap of the block around my office. A mindful reset to keep me going.

  • Be kind. This is not an easy time. Things will likely feel hard. It is the perfect storm for that threat system to switch on. Self-compassion will be important.

  • Meditate. I have become a decent fan of the Calm app. I used to cringe a little at the idea of meditation, but I am a complete convert. The research for what it does for our brains neurologically is very convincing. Sneaking in a quick 10 minute meditation to turn on that soothe system? Sounds good to me.

  • Time out. When the kids go to bed, I am going to put my phone away, and spend time catching up on some of the TV shows, movies and books I enjoy. Cup-filling time, with all the goodies my husband does not appreciate. Netflix here I come..

It’s been a tough season, but here’s to closing it out as best we can, and then enjoying a relaxing festive season. See you on the other side x


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